Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How To Make Going To School (A Little) Easier

Have you ever wondered why Monday is so far from Friday, and Friday so near to Monday?

I'm sure most of us dread Mondays. And I am no exception.
Every Sunday night, my heart will be at war with my mind. 
To Go or Not To Go, That's The Question

My mind will be telling me, "Hey, you are supposed to go to school tomorrow. So erase that thought about skipping school and head to bed soon!"

And my heart would just be disagreeing with whatever my mind says and many a time, it is just so hard for me to succumb to the temptation of missing school for a day. 

One of the best ways to beat those Monday Blues is probably finding a reason or another to drag yourself to school. 

My reason for going to school? 

Friends play a very important role in an ordinary person's life. They say a friend in need is a friend indeed. Friends are those who are there for you not only through the good times, but the bad times too.

So even if you have tons of projects waiting for you, your friends will be there to face them all with you. When you are having problems, you can always speak to your friend. He or she will just be there for you and be willing to lend you a listening ear. When you are feeling bored, your friends will be there to take happy photos with you. 

Sometimes, when you think of it, going to school isn't all that bad when you have your friends around.

So now, what about yours? 

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